Pacific Crisis Fundraiser.

Statique. is extremely honored to be part of the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser which starts this Wednesday, for a full month! Again, I'll let the press release speak for itself :

"An emergency fundraising effort for the victims of the crisis in the Pacific that hit on the 10th/11th of march is being set up.

SL is an international community, with a strong base in Japan specifically. This disaster is worldwide and affects us all, as a community SL has risen up time and time again to help out in times of distress, including very recently.

In september 2010, 11,000 us dollars was raised for the Pakistan flood crisis relief fund (UNICEF) at an SL event. An event organized in four days. This is an example of what our community can do, and we are attempting to prepare for a similar, simple but effective, event."

Pacific Crisis Fundraiser will take place from March 16 - April 10 and everyone is offering at least 1 item at 100% donation (some others at 50%). The place is already packed with all the well known brands and some more (I heard 300 stores registered so far!) to the point they are adding a 2nd row of vendors above the 1st one! It's gonna be ginormous and hopefully we'll raise a lot of Lindens!

You can find Statique. exclusive HOPE necklace, along with 5 other regular products already available in store (50% goes to PCF) straight at the entrance... I was lucky enough to arrive as they were setting the 2nd row of vendors so I'm comfortably installed straight above Peqe and The Secret Store. You have no excuse not to find me!

You will recognize the little bird from the Spring ring on the HOPE necklace... I wanted an exclusive item for the event and thought it would be appropriate to use my little friend and his flower as a symbol of hope for Japan's future.

Visit Pacific Crisis Fundraiser, starting Wednesday!

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