Pure Juice Event starts now!

I see grey people.
Walking around like regular people.
They don't know they're grey.

If - like me - you read the JuicyBlog, you already know about the Pure Juice Event, a fair pricing event which started today and is ending March 26. There is a very nice amount of products (some are exclusive to the event!) and I really enjoyed my time there. The place is a bit laggy (first day... it's busy, which explains why everything isn't rezzed on my picture) but if we survived the Skin Fair... we can survive anything, right? Pure Juice Event is very cozy and smooth even with the lag.

As usual, The Rumor has a ton of pictures, this way you can still learn about all products available while avoiding the lag.

As I'm typing this note, Gogo - who organized this event - didn't officially announced it's opening on her blog yet, but she's probably very busy in-world... I'm sure we'll get a word from her very soon.

Visit Pure Juice Event now!

Skin : Glam Affair - Mary Natural in A11
Hair : Truth - Florence 2 in Jupiter
Eyes : MADesigns - Promise Collection, Green 14
Lashes : Redgrave - Lucious #6

Dress : The Secret Store - Scottish Dahlia
Necklace : Statique - La Bohème (available tomorrow at Lazy Sunday!)

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