Maybelline Liner Definer Liquid Eyeliner

I don't know where to start with this. I already ranted here about this horrible little pen, but now I'm trying to write it down, I'm not sure where to start!

Ok, I'm a bit late to the 'felt tip liner' party. I've been admiring from afar, but as I don't really wear liner that much myself (and a product like this is quite useless in a pro kit) I've never really felt the need to run out & buy one.

But, I was browsing in Boots or Superdrug the other day (I can't even remember which!) and I spotted this one. Swatching it on the back of my hand, I was impressed by the clear, sharp black line it gave, skipped down the aisle & handed over my £6.50.

Once home, I was eager to give it a go and set up for filming a tutorial (which I had to abandon due to the complete and utter fail from this stupid pen). What happened? I'm not going to go on and on and on, preferring to summarise below...

The tip is rock solid and it 'stabs' into the lash line. To get any product actually onto the lid/lash line, you have to lie the pen on it's side, meaning you get an almost centimetre thick line, rather than the thinnest sleekest line as promised. It drags, tugs & pulls the eye lid. The actual liner is crap & dries patchy. It's difficult & stressful to use - trying not to stab yourself in the eye necessitates bathroom mirror gymnastics & not something I'm good at at 5.30 am getting ready on a Monday morning. It is, quite simply, down right pants.

Don't even get me started on it's name. Liner Definer Liquid Eyeliner? Seriously, someone was paid to come up with that??!!

I have not a single good thing to say about this (did I mention the very strong chemically smell?). I'm interested to hear your experiences!

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