Twelve things

I took these photos over a year ago, for a post that never got written. A post about how we surround ourselves with too many possessions, so many things we don't need, so many things that hold us in one place. Cupboards and boxes full of things I love but have no immediate use for. I was carefully considering, if I could only keep twelve items from my home to start over again, which twelve would I take? I'm talking personal possessions not clothes people pets (they are a given) just the extras.

What do we really need, some good memories, light, a pastime, heirlooms. Things that mean something, things with a past life and a secret story. I think if I chose again this year I would pick the same, with one addition my Moroccan tea pot, because you need a soothing cup of tea wherever you are, no?

Would you be able to narrow it down to just twelve? Take a picture of your 12 most treasured possessions and email it to me, I will post the best ones and send out a pretty parcel to my favourite. Happy Sunday everyone.
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