Urban Decay NAKED Palette

Morning peeps

I picked the NAKED palette up in Sephora in Vegas. I figured my chances of getting one back home were fairly slim to none, so snapped it up. Like everything else I bought over there, I wish I'd gotten 2! I paid $44 (about £30). Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find UK info online for UD; I believe you may be able to buy this in HoF if it's not sold out. I am not sure about Debenhams or Boots (sorry!)

I've never been a massive fan of the UD palettes as I often find there's only 1 or 2 shadows in it that I would wear on any sort of regular basis, but this one is jam-packed with colours I could wear every day and it has enough 'rockier' shades that it could be used just as well for evening looks. I also have never used the Primer Potion before (I know, I know), so will be looking forward to giving it a go. First impressions of the 24/7 glide on pencils are that they are super soft and I am keen to get using these too!

I imagine there will be a couple of FOTDs coming out of this in the near future which is why I didn't bother with a billion swatches. In the meantime, you can feast your eyes on these...

Love A xx

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