
Hope everyone had a great new years- usually a disappointment, there always seems a bit to mush pressure to have an amazing night-but mine was unexpectedly good. We went for a meal in a local wine bar with some friends and strangers. Lovely food, a few drinks, good music and good company. Seems my life is becoming very civilized these days. Such a good feeling to wake up in a new year without a hang over.Lucky as this year I'm going to be thirty!

Christmas has been hoovered up and packed away. As much as I love the festive season, its a weight of the shoulders when its all packed up and the house is tidy and back to normal. So tidy in fact that we had time to take a very muddy and a tad treacherous walk in the high woods. Just enough of a hike to feel that we earned our roast dinner. My resolutions are :-

To get off my butt (and the net) and be more creative. I truly do spend way too much time checking out what everyone else is up to and get hardly anything done for myself. Its a shame you all lead such interesting lives!

I am also going to alter and adjust my existing wardrobe, I have about 20 cardigans that would be great after some embellishing and applique.

I'm going to finish up all those little projects that have been laying around half done for months.

I'm going to try my best to only use what I already have in my work room and not buy any new supplies that just get hoarded and never used!

Must try to stop swearing so much! It is not apparent here (luckily) but I have been known to suffer ever so slightly from gutter mouth : (

That should be enough for now! Hope you all stick to your resolutions whatever they may be : )
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