Hadley Hatton

I'm having camera charger issues, so while I sort that out I thought I'd quickly post about these pretty art works by Hadley Hutton. I clicked over to Etsy and luckily for me I found Hadleys work displayed on the front page. Mostly I just don't have the time to search etsy listings thoroughly as it has so many sellers, I am always grateful to the colour coordinated "hand picked items" on the home page as nine times out of ten there is something brilliant listed.

Anyway back to Hadley, living out her childhood dreams to become an artist, creating these lovely prints, all dreamy colour washes and delicate images including birds, flowers and nests, inspired by Asian patterns and motifs. There are original works for sale and digital prints on Hahnmule German Etching paper also. My favorite print (below) caught my eye because it's content differs from Hadleys main body of work, it is modern but still carries that Japanese influence. Oh dear something else to add to the list of great etsy finds that are slowly eating away at my bank account!
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