
A bit random I know but I just thought I'd share my absolute love for frills! I love the frothy, swishy sometimes raggedy layers they make. They are so feminine and add a delicate almost innocent finish to an outfit or if you're going down the moulin rouge route they can definitely give a flirty even raunchy feel! I especially like faded old moth eaten frills like the ones carrie is enveloped in below. This has to be one of my favorite sex and the city images.

I have some vintage cuffs somewhere. I must look this stuff out and use it in a project. I really want to experiment more with using layers and vintage fabrics. I still seem to be hoarding this stuff up and not wanting to take the scissors to it! I feel another resolution coming on-stop procrastinating and get on with it! I say these things all the time but this year I'm determined to make it happen.

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