Smooth Baby, Smooth

I can't cook, but by heck I make a good smoothie. They are by no means a lazy girl's way of getting her 5 a day, as they can make a bit of a mess & create some washing up, but the taste experience is usually so worth it!

Smoothies should not just be several supermarket bought carton juices blended together. Smoothies should be real fruit, smoothed into a drink. Duh... I'm not afraid of a bit of texture in my smoothies, so I tend to take the opportunity to chuck in things like Blueberries, Carrots etc. my biggest smoothie tip is to use it as an opportunity to 'eat' fruit that you wouldn't normally - pomegranate, blueberries - fiddly things that are a pain to eat, or fruits (or veggies!) that you wouldn't normally like the taste of - a whole grapefruit can be added into a smoothie - add in some apple juice to sweeten and you probably wont even know it's there.

I adore Grapefruits and I like to just eat them like an orange (i know that's weird) and I usually have at least 1 grapefruit in a smoothie. In this particular smoothie, I blended 1 whole grapefruit (minus it's skin)

Using pre-prepared frozen fruit means you stock up a vast variety of fruits & veggies without worrying they will go off before you can use them (although smoothies are a great way of using up slightly old or battered fruit). Frozen fruit is just as good & healthy as fresh fruit - just don't ever use tinned fruit - it's usually stored in syrup and is FULL of bad sugars! Using frozen fruit means your smoothie will also be nice and chilled! I chucked in 2 handfuls of frozen blueberries

I also added in a splash of pomegranate juice & 200mls of fresh, 'not from concentrate' orange juice. This was the result! Delicious. Because the grapefruit was blended rather than juiced, this particular recipe is quite fibrous, but this is a good way of actually getting all the fruit, rather than just the sugary juice.

Smoothies can contain literally ANYTHING you like, so experiment!
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