Beauty Blogging Blonde is 1 year old! - CLOSED


I can't believe my little baby blog is 1! As per usual, thanks to you all for reading, commenting blah blah blah... Lets get to the good stuff! This isn't just a birthday, this is a Chanel birthday!

I wanted to do a special giveaway to give someone the opportunity to win a product they wouldn't necessarily be able to buy themselves and give back to you all with a little touch of luxury. On that basis, I decided not to gather half a dozen prizes & instead picked one of my top faves, from my all time favourite brand...

So, for one of you, you will be winning a Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel powder bronzer! I usually use the cream version of this, but unfortunately it was sold out! Everywhere - gone! So, I picked the powder version (the shade is the same one as the cream version).

(I've popped a promo photo up as your one is already all gift wrapped in Chanel ribbon.)

The Rules

A) You must be a follower (Duh!) I will check!!

B) Please leave a comment on this post saying 'Happy Birthday'

C) That's it! I would love to have time to be able to allow more than 1 entry, but I don't have time to check tweets etc. Please do feel free to tweet about it, but 1 follower - 1 entry.

D) Competition closes 11.59pm Tuesday 18th January.

E) I will pick a winner at random. I will contact that winner by email & you will have 48hrs to respond. If I do not get a response, I will pick another winner.

Please play by the rules & everyone will be happy!


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