Cinderella, Cinderella...

I got the opportunity this week to attend the Scottish Ballet's opening performance of Cinderella in Aberdeen and boy, it was fantastic! A special thanks to Girl In The City Glasgow for having me!

If you are looking to lose yourself in a couple of hours of sheer fantasy, stunning costume and pure romance, a ballet is for you. This particular production, choreographed by Ashley Page, brings a new intensity, humour and decadence to a well-loved story.

waiting on curtain up!
The thing that struck me right from the start was the set & costumes, both of which just screamed Vivienne Westwood. I loved the Dance Master's Black & White leopard print coat, with the hot pink silk lining.

The Fairy Godmother was absolutely stunning. You can't see much of her costume here, but the front was intricately beaded and sparkled from every angle. Gorgeous.
I can't help but be captured by this; for the makeup of each production, a makeup artist designs a 'look' for each character, does it once for the ballet dancer and then each night, it's up to the dancer to do their own makeup, recreating the original look.

Brilliantly refreshing to see a performance of Cinderella where the ugly step sisters weren't men! The girls (and the step mother) were all beautiful, with their ugly characters portrayed through their garish costumes.
And finally, Cinderella and her Prince. The scenes between the 2 were just breathtaking; sheer & utter movie love.
Next up from this company is Alice; a few tidbits I have about the design of this next production tells me it promises to be 100% worth a visit. Even if you aren't bothered about the dance, you can't help be caught up in the styling, costumes and the production. Guaranteed a brilliant night out!
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