Just a quick one tonight and apologies there hasn't been much makeup recently. I've been all about the pimples, stained teeth and hair removal...very lovely!
Anyway, I picked this up in Tesco a couple of weeks ago after being made to put back about £70 worth of Pearl Drops stuff by the mean boy and am loving it! It cost about £2.50, so is about as bargainous as you can get!
You use it once or twice a week, just by pressing your wet toothbrush into the powder. Brush your teeth as normal and it foams just like a toothpaste. It has a pleasant minty/mentholy smell and taste and so far there hasn't been any sensitivity out of the norm.
I follow up by using my normal toothpaste after as would feel a bit weird not doing a 'proper' brush, but it seems to be having the desired effect. I definitely think my teeth are looking better, even the mean boy noticed after me smiling like a loon in his face...
This is the website, where you can find out your nearest stockist.
So, there probably wont be much else out of me now til after Saturday. I have my final Post Grad exam at 10am on Saturday and then will hopefully be minced on Cosmopolitans by 5pm. Wish me luck!!
A xx