Suggestions on a Postcard Please!

This post is physically painful. I have to say it, it's tearing me up inside. I'm. going. to. be. 2-2-2-29 in a few weeks. I can't bear it. I've loved my 20's and I can't believe I'm facing my last year *double sad face*.

Now before you all get on your high horses about how 29 isn't old, I should be lucky that I'm not turning 40, or I should just be grateful that I'm still in 20's - I am! I'm just struggling to say goodbye to them and I want to be prepared. And, I certainly don't want to be like Phoebe in Friends who discovers she's actually just turned 31...

So, to ensure that when I do turn 30, I'm feeling happier about it, I want to try and achieve as much else as I can in my 20s. I already have the usual things; lose weight, learn a new language, be tidier etc and this isn't necessarily about life changing activities. So this is where you come in... I want you to tell me what you think I should do that could enhance my last year as a fresh-faced 20-something. Got a favourite flavour of ice cream? Let me know. Read an amazing book? Share! Got a hobby you think I might like? Tell me! It could be anything - and hopefully a few will inspire me!

I have about 4 weeks before D-Day. I look forward to hearing your suggestions!
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