I turn 28 in 2hrs. Officially out of my 'mid-twenties' into the 'late-twenties' and 30 is on the horizon. This is quite disappointing.
However, I remember reading in Just Seventeen when I was about 13 an interview with women who had been succesful in their careers, love life, all living the dream and all of them credited turning 30 with feeling more confident, finally realising their own sense of style, they stopped caring what people thought of them blah blah blah so I guess that is something for me to look forward to!
I don't really have much else to say on the topic. As much as I love having birthdays, present giving (I have a twin brother) and receiving, dinner with loved ones etc I HATE that I'm going to be 28. The only thing that makes it better is knowing Mac is turning 30 in a couple of months.
*goes off giggling to self...*
PS Happy Birthday Richard! xxxx