Make someone else's day this Autumn

Nothing makes me feel better when I am under the weather than watching a good old Fred and Ginger romantic caper. All the dazzling outfits and superb footwork. I doubt anyone will ever dance as well as them again. Movies from this time are my absolute favourites. All the sequins twinkling. Life seemed so simple then. A romance, a pretty dress, someone to love you.

I found another blog writer today with a shared passion for movies, old and new, Cathi who runs the thoughtful project Everyday Matinees For Seniors.

Everyday Matinee's for Seniors is a non profit organization that was founded by Cathi Nunn in 2006, after her father Fred Gunther was murdered in Plantation, Florida. It is a program that provides seniors with a free mobile movie lending library in which they can check out as many movies as they would like on a weekly basis. It also gives the seniors time once a week to chat with some awesome volunteers while checking out movies. They also provide free tickets to see local live theatre productions for the seniors. Hoping to wipe out loneliness and isolation in the lives of many seniors in the San Fernando Valley with smiles, laughter and love.

You can help by popping over to Every day Matinees 4 seniors, and read a little more about the project. Cathi welcomes more suggestions of independent, foreign and old classic movies. She is also getting together a collection of holiday films, so be sure to include those in your list if you have any favorites. All ideas are truly appreciated.

Maybe you have some films you could donate? I think I will get some together to send, it would be nice to make someone else's day better this Autumn. For more info contact Cathi at - cathinunn[at]gmail[dot]com or visit the site Every day Matinees 4 seniors,
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