Picked up this beautiful vintage lace last sunday, I bought it from a little spanish lady who has a shop in the oldtown. She used to have the shop as a china doll emporium when I was a little girl, my grandma bought me a french doll from there once, but I don't have it anymore. : (
Today it looks like someone's lounge with bits and bobs all piled up on the surfaces (house clearance comes to mind) and it turns out she is selling all the old supplies that she once used to make clothes and accessories for the dolls. I'm pleased that I ventured in because when you look in through the door it is hard to know if its a shop or not! plus the lady was really sweet and gave me a strip of lace for free! Also picked up some spotted tulle that matches my wedding dress, that I can use to make a veil horray. Late for work (again)!
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