Neighborhood Watch

Got to work this morning to find my new boss getting whisked off to hospital with a broken wrist. Computer network goes down mid morning everything grinds to a halt for a while. Have grown fond of my mentor (in a strange needy sort of way) but she works her last day this thursday, two more weeks training after that, then they let me loose all by myself. Joan don't leave me I'll never be ready.

Lets not think about that. Time for a little escapism.

Whilst poking around the comments section over at the beautiful Montmarte's I found these gems by Eshu. The perfect way to spend an early spring evening.

All images by Eshu

Maria Jose: Cote Lopez

Coté López como la llaman en su natal Chile, es una modelo que empezó a figurar en la farndula al ser finalista de la mejor colita en el Miss Colita Chile, desde entonces María José López ha estado en el ojo de la tormenta debido a sus desenfadadas fotos y a la relación que tiene con su actula pareja y la supuesta infidelidad que ronda cerca, sin duda tiene Coté tiene un cuerpo de encanto, belleza y sensualidad a sus tan solo 19 años. Disfruten de la galeria.
Fotos María José: Coté López.

Monica Hansen

Una de las mujeres mas sexy del planeta Monica Hansen, nacida en Noruega de madre Brasilera y padre Noruego sin duda una combinación de genes Latinos y Europeos que la dotan de una sensualidad innata. Monica Hansen ha sido portada de numerosas revistas entre ellas destaca FHM, Maxim, Redhot and Stuff. Monica fue elegida mujer del año por Maxim, si quieres ver más fotos de esta impactante y sexy mujer te dejo el link del club de fans.
Fotos Monica Hansen

May Andersen

Esta vez tenemos a May Andersen una supermodelo nacida en Dinamarca, descubierta cuando tenia 13 años, Ha participado en Victoria Secret y fue representante oficial de el Turismo es su país con el lema "Quien no quiere una Danesa?". Desde que participó en el modelaje cambio su sueño de ser una famosa cantante para ser una cotizada top model, May Andersen tambien tuvo exclusividad con Sport Illustrated en numerosas oportunidades.
Fotos May Andersen.


Thanks for all your kind and encouraging comments, they have really comforted me at the end of this emotional roller coaster of a week. It's so strange for me not to be the one in control. At my old job I was the one that everyone asked for help or answers. I've surrendered my self to the fact that this is how it will be for a while. Got to keep my eye on the future and how doing this will get me where I want to be, with this in mind today was better, no tears and being busy and learning new things made my day fly by.

Anyway it's the weekend now and no work for two days yippee. The boy and I are off to London tomorrow and to Tiffany's to get our wedding rings, so its all smiles for a couple of days. Enjoy your weekend!


Tonight I am glad to be in the peace of my own home.

This is not a moan. Its me cleansing my emotions after one of the hardest weeks I've had in years. My comfort zone has been ripped wide open in my attempt at a career progression. I have left behind my very close friends and everything I know to embrace change. My new job.

Day one-dull but just taking it all in. I get through. Can I really do this?

Day two-spend the day holding in an emotional torrent which flowed freely from my eyes as I walked home. Making me seem somewhat like a crazy person walking the streets. (thus making me blend in perfectly in the area that I now work.) surely at the age of thirty you just don't walk out of a job after only two days? Am I a quitter?

Day three-sore throat is adding to my misery and my cigarette infused mentor is coughing and sniffing all over me. I come over rather queezy and just as I think I can't go on, fag ash Lil signs off early as her cold is getting to her (you and me both lady!) I spend the afternoon just observing long hours but it is all sinking in slowly. I am not a quitter.

Just want to thank my boy for looking after me and sweetly offering to support me for a while if I really can't stand it. But I really feel I must toughen up and not let my delicate princess persuasions rule my life. I tell myself to Stop being such a baby.

The thought of my wedding is glittering in my mind like an oasis right now. It's getting me through this transitional period of culture shock that I have knowingly inflicted upon myself. But I am not a quitter.

Hope anyone reading this is having a fabulous week, someone's gotta!

Sofia Barao

Taking my mind off my rubbish new job this evening, this beautiful blog to read and lovely shop to browse.

Images from Sofia Barao's Etsy shop

Maria del Lujan Telpuk en Playboy

Vaya forma de ser celebridad, la que se debe preguntar Maria del Lujan Telpuk al pasar de ser policía aeronáutica en su natal Argentina ha ser la portada de Playboy en la edición de Febrero de este año, ya vimos el caso de la arbitro de fútbol Brasilera que también apareció en Playboy, ahora le toca a esta belleza Argentina de 27 años y sin nadie quien la cuide en las noches.
Todo empezó el 4 de agosto del 2007 cuando Maria del Lujan Telpuk demostró que era incorruptible al detener a un sujeto que transportaba casi un millón de dólares sin declarar en su valija, desde entonces la llamaron "La chica de la valija" y empozó su desfile por revistas, talk shows hasta llegar a Playboy. Ahora es llamada "la bomba detrás de la valija", sin duda al mostrar estas impactantes fotos al desnudo, donde uno se pone a pensar si todas las policías fueran así con gusto me dejaría arrestar por su belleza. Fotos de Maria del Lujan Telpuk galeria completa al desnudo.

I'm loving the set of butterfly rubber stamps that I received as a belated birthday gift at the weekend. Thanks B : )

Marisa Miller

Marisa Bertetta es su nombre original nacida en california USA, luego de contraer matrimonio adopto el apellido de Miller, su belleza la llevaron a ser una de las favoritas en Sport Ilustrated, para luego pasar a ser una de las supermodelos de victoria secret a lado de Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio y Heidi Klum, por terminar el 2007 Marisa Miller hizo su debut en el Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Marisa comple 30 años el 6 de agosto .
Fotos Marisa Miller.

Light as a feather.

Out for lunch- roast pork and light as a feather chocolate cake for pudding-very delicious and my Easter morning was spent avoiding chocolate by making my veil and garter. All these pretty sewing supplies I have hoarded up for years are finally getting to fulfill their destiny! This tiny little dove was all alone in a box at the Shirley leaf and petal co I couldn't leave him in the shop so I had to find space for him in my veil. I never really plan the things I create, I just poke around my sewing room and gather a collection of bits and pieces that I feel go side by side and some how they come together, so rolling with the bird theme I made my garter using some net that will match my dress, a bow for my something blue, a diamante heart and two brass swallow findings from Etsy to embellish it.

Five a day

Wind, rain, hail, sleet. For the last few days I have been helping a friend redecorate her entire flat, she doesn't do anything by half! But last night I had blisters and calluses forming so I decided enough was enough and I took today off. Can't wait to see it when it's finished. The Easter bunny told me that with the absence of my Monica (from friends) harsh taskmaster style of over seeing of the project nothing much got done today. I guess they deserve a day of rest without me bashing their ears. Anyway I too have made great use of my free time today, a fugitive from the weather I have been watching pride and prejudice and consuming my own body weight in chocolate. Why is there no one here to stop me and make sure I get my five a day!

Hope everyone is having a happy Easter!

Maria Rebeca Alonso

María Rebeca Alonso es una bella actriz Mexicanan de una larga trayectoria en las telenovelas y en la televisión Mexicana, salto a la fama cuando participo en la pelicula "La niña de la mochila azul", basada en el éxito discográfico de la entonces revelación infantil, Pedrito Fernández. Su edad dificil de determinar pero lo mas importantes es la sensualidad que irradia en esta sesión de fotos para Playboy.
Fotos María Rebeca Alonso.

Mafalda Pinto

Seguimos con las bellezas desde Portugal, esta vez con Mafalda Pinto una actriz de 25 años dueña de unas cuervas impresionantes, y una delantera de infarto sin mas palabras se quedan con las mejores fotos de Mafalda Pinto para la revista FHM.

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